Stretch Poster
Client : Experimental project
Stretch Poster est une expérimentation graphique mêlant typographie et impression textile. Jouant avec le langage graphique des petites annonces, le spectateur doit s'engager physiquement pour tenter de déchiffrer son contenu. Cette installation appelle à repenser son regard face aux réclames percutantes et racoleuses.
Stretch Poster is a graphic experimentation combining typography and printing process. Playing with the language of classified ads, the viewer must be physically commited in order to read the content. This installation aims to rethink our relations with advertising.
Stretch Poster
Client : Experimental project
Stretch Poster is a graphic experimentation combining typography and printing process. Playing with the language of classified ads, the viewer must be physically commited in order to read the content. This installation aims to rethink our relations with advertising.